Proposal for
Leigham Court Road

Support affordable homes
in Lambeth

Homes for first time buyers in Lambeth

Pocket Living is proposing to develop 35 homes for local first time buyers on land to the rear of Leigham Court Road. These homes would be sold at a discount to people who live or work in the borough.

We have now submitted a planning application for these homes (reference number: 21/03028/FUL) and we need your support. If you would like to see more affordable homes built in Lambeth then you can use our template email to the council to share your support and let them know why these homes are needed.

Support affordable homes
in Lambeth

You may want to personalise the email with information about your housing situation or where you work and make sure you add your name and address at the start of the email - so they know you're a real person in their constituency.

Please note that the contents of your email may be published on the council website but that your personal details will not be shared.

Our proposal for Leigham Court Road

Pocket Living is proposing to develop 35 homes for local first time buyers on the long term vacant site located to the rear of Nos. 47-49 Leigham Court Road. No. 49B Leigham Court Road will be used to provide access into the site.

The homes will be provided within a high quality, linear building that is set back from the site’s boundaries. The building would occupy 28% of the total site area allowing for a large area of landscaped garden to be introduced. The majority of existing trees will be maintained along the site’s boundaries and additional trees planted to ensure privacy and a positive outlook.

The proposed building is four storeys in height; it complements and sensitively integrates with the scale of existing built form including; Streatham Close and No. 45 South Lodge.

A 20 metre separation distance from windows serving existing residential accommodation has been provided in relation to the majority of properties which have an outlook in the direction of the site. The existing windows which are directly opposite the proposal in Streatham Close are located over 35 metres away.

Pocket Living is an investment partner of the Mayor of London and Leigham Court Road forms part of its programme with the Mayor to deliver an affordable homeownership offer for aspirant first time buyers.

Additional material

Ground level site plan

More ways to get in touch

You can leave a message on our dedicated phone line on: 020 3621 0355.

Alternatively, you can email us on

Pocket Living is a private developer that uniquely focuses on creating homes across London for local first time buyers.

Pocket homes are discounted and are available to first time buyers on moderate incomes.